If your business sells Goods of any sort, it's obvious you want to attract as many potential Local clients at the lowest cost possible.
If your business offers Services of any type, you want to be the go to expert in your field, having as many potential Local clients find you first.
If you're in the Entertainment business, you want every potential Local client to come spend their precious time at your establishment.
As we enter 2025, 40% of consumers and business owners alike still use Desktops as their main method to conduct their Local searches.
Laptops have taken over our mainstream society as their preferred method to use the Internet and conduct their Local searches.
Mobile searching is responsible for more than 60% of all Local Internet searches. Mobile has become the pinnacle of Internet searching.
Many potential clients or shoppers have a specific Want they are searching for. They may not necessarily NEED it, but they WANT it.
Most potential clients or shoppers have a specific Need they are searching for. They sometimes may not WANT it, but they NEED it.
A majority of potential clients or shoppers have a specific Desire they are searching for. They do not NEED it, but they DESIRE it.
Many potential clients conduct Local searches within a 5-10 mile radius of their place of residence or their current Local GEO position.
Most potential clients who conduct Local searches that are continuously exposed to constant content are more likely to navigate towards that brand.
The majority of business owners want exposure through Local searches. Owning multiple Keyword Domain Names could help provide the edge.
Keywords are probably the most important element in a potential Local client finding your business for the first time through a search.
Like a bull, we directly Target the searches your potential Local clients are conducting with Key Domains to help expose them to your business.
Local search domination has been at the center scope of all business owners. We uncover Keyword gems that could help your business.